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When It Rains It Pours … Motivation (Day 5)

It’s 6:57am I should be further along in my daily routine but I’m trying to recover from a huge eating binge from yesterday 

and I’m working on so many things I feel like my brain is going to explode!!!! (And I love it)

My to do list:

  1. Sell Mum’s house – so she’s has the option to slow down and spend more time with her mokos.
  2. Lock in new work contract – to ease the burden of making ‘today money’.
  3. Finish Vlog #16 – Our Wine Cafe
  4. Brooklyn’s Channel – my son is getting his own YouTube Channel like nothing you have ever seen.
  5. Find Villa for Bali – to get extremely intoxicated.
  6. Layout ‘Cheat Day’ plan – my venture with my brother to provide quality and calorie controlled fast food.
  7. Don’t burn out.

