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Box of Smiles – from our family to yours.

So it’s been a while but I’m back in Melbourne and my wairua is full. Just like it is after every trip home.

What blew me away was the number of people that gave money as a wedding gift I mean who would turn down money? – CHUR!!

We requested our guests bring a bottle of wine bit some of my family don’t drink and so they gave cash, the equivalent to a very expensive bottle in fact.

Given that my thing is ‘shoes’ and lots of them it would be easy to go nuts and add to my collection but considering some of the people that gave money have upwards of 4 kids ( one of my cousins has 7!!! Fuck that ) it didn’t sit right with me to just go and splash their money on more SHIT.

So this project is for all of those that donated money I will make sure it does some good and make people smile! 

Here’s the first lot of goodies we bought to make up our ‘Box of Smiles’

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Smiles in a Box

So I had this idea, I wrote it down then broke it down and now I’m actioning it.

Let me explain. Over the weekend there were so many tragic events in Melbourne – stabbings, car jackings and even a shooting just last night in the suburb I work in.

I said to my girl ‘how do we make people feel safer?’ Referring to a platform idea I had that would connect people to provide some hope of a better tomorrow.

Neither of us could come up with an answer but then this morning I thought maybe I was asking the wrong question? Maybe the question I should be trying to answer is ‘how can I make people feel happy?’ …

So I was watching a Casey Neistat Vlog today and there was this scene:

A hotel he was staying at had a gift box of random things that did not cost a lot, required minimal time to put together and made him smile.

That’s when I knew what I was going to do. I’m going shopping for gifts to give to random people I meet that may need a bit of cheering up 🙂

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You gotta want it

It’s 4:30am and I just wake up, just like that. I know it’s earlier so I just try to go back to sleep but I’m pretty much just laying there waiting for my 5:30am alarm.

Nah can’t do it. Time to power up my computer:

File 27-05-2016, 5 17 10 AM

8:19pm – Man what a day. Long, all over the place and finally able to get some work in.


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How to manage your time and tasks better

It’s nearly the end of week 4 and I’m on track to have all the associated platforms up and running.

Yesterday I learned the value of managing my time better which goes hand in hand with maintaining your focus. Here’s what I did:

  1. Made a list of all of the things I want/need to get done with the date that they need to be completed by.
  2. Put them into 1 of 4 groups determined by if they are: Important and Urgent, Important but NOT Urgent, Unimportant but Urgent, Unimportant and NOT Urgent.

So now you know what needs your attention today and what can wait.



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Ok … I’m blogging.

Started my day by dropping my son to day care,

went for a run and now I’m at the ‘help desk’ about to slay it!

Trying to set up my lighting kit annnd there’s no power leads. Awesome!!


Did a tonne of work updating my websites and now 3D printing a custom dual iPhone stand to use when I start vlogging:


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Mr Blogalina has arrived!

Man I’m super stoked to have this blog up and running.

I’m slowly getting all the pieces of the puzzle put together after many late nights over the last 2 weeks.

Tomorrow I start compiling all the things I’m going to give away. I’ll try and Vlog it as I go. Check back then. Deuces.