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Scared of failure?

Gary V is always on point.

We’re all scared to fail at some point and it can be crippling! The hardest thing to do is remain motivated when you’re on your own and faced with the cold hard truth that the only one halting your progress is YOU. That’s all it boils down to, no one really cares if you win or lose you’re just worried about something you’ve created in your own mind.

It’s all good to say these things and be aware of them but we need to take action so here’s some advice that my cousin gave me – focus on what you need to do, don’t focus on what might happen. And here’s a bit of advice from me: Handle your business or shut the fuck up. *I mean that in the most confronting way possible 🙂


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Mistamp Pitch for Gary Vee

I got an opportunity to pitch Gary Vaynerchuk recently. He sent out an email to his subscribers to send him a 30sec pitch video.

So I jumped at the chance. My video is kind of rough but it basically covers everything.


After completing cutting down my original demo video it made me realise that I can pretty much fit it all into 30secs and so long as the file is under 33mb (mine is currently at 35mb) I could attach it to the outgoing email. Instead of just sending a link to Youtube.

I’m hoping that having the video in the email may encourage the recipient to at least be curious enough to click on it. Providing it makes it through the ‘spam filter’ that is.

Either way, having to really condense everything into 30 secs forced me to get it done quickly and I like it. So now that it’s done I’m going to send it to as many businesses as I can with the goal of getting comfortable with people critiquing it.

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Gary Vee is the muthafuckin’ man

I have a lot of time for Gary Vaynerchuk. He keeps it real which I appreciate because at the end of the day people want to do it, people want to make it but they tend to gravitate to the ‘yes men’ in their life. Granted, you should never give too much time to what others say good or bad depending on the situation. But you can’t help but listen just a little bit to others right? Some if not a lot of what other people say (especially those you care about) will have some sort of effect on you right?

That being said I think people don’t know how to filter the noise from the nouse and fill their own heads with an unrealistic view of their situation. Gary Vee (for me anyway) cuts through the shit, gives it to you straight and you can make your own call from there. It just saves a lot of time because really that’s all we have and it’s to valuable to waste listening to the negative as well as the lame ass so called friends who think they’re doing you a favour by sugar coating shit when it does the complete opposite.
