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Food for my Soul

Went down to a club in the city called Section 8 this afternoon to support a friend’s event aka get some good kiwi food and steamed pudding.

Had a great time with good company and feel ready to attack the week ahead.

 And I heard back from a lady named Jacqui from Facebook HQ Australia

 and was given a link to send the Mistamp info to. It’s minor but it’s a start in the right direction. I’ll keep plugging away everyday. So stay UP.

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Everyday … like it’s my last

Backing up what I promised I made it happen today.

I pushed the Mistamp today, reaching out to Facebook and contacting the Australia HQ. It’s not much but it’s definitely a start.


I’ve got all weekend to do more with the aim of having a tonne of things to report. Tomorrow I’ll also make a start on my book series: BJ the Tutu Maori Kid which is inspired by the life lessons I learnt growing up in small town Tokoroa. The character is obviously based on me with the character visuals based on my son Brooklyn – it seemed like the wiser choice 🙂

1. Master









Until tomorrow then. Watch me work.

Stay UP.

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Open letter … to myself

Hey bro,

Just a reminder that you have everything you need. You’re alive, you’re motivated, you’re obligated and your ability is limitless but sometimes I think you tend to forget it.

If you were able to go back and redo things and make them better, faster, stronger do you think you would be in the same situation you are now? Granted you may be in a better situation but ask yourself is your life crap? Yeah that’s what I thought.

It’s great to acknowledge your past but don’t live in it. Revisit the good things and let go of the bad knowing that these experiences are all life lessons that ultimately have brought you to understanding your life purpose of helping people. Some people may never know there’s.

Take pride in the fact that you were spoiled growing up, shit you’re still spoiled now but take even greater pride in knowing that you recognised this early and it motivated you to share those spoils with others. No one knows that you gave everything you had to everyone you knew – they only saw that you were the initial recipient so they thought you were unappreciative. No one knows you taught people to play sport, to play instruments, to be creative. They only saw how different you were so they thought you were a show off.

Some people know you as an athlete first, a tech nerd second. Others know you as a ladies man first, a dedicated partner second. All that matters is that you know who you are and you continue to carve your own path because most people will never have that luxury.

Most importantly remember that it’s not the tools (which you have in abundance) but it’s the creator that determines whether or not something is great. You can do amazing with a little just as much as you can do average with a lot.

Stay UP.

Me and my Dad

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You don’t need permission

Freddie Mercury is one of my favourite artists and not just because he was an amazing singer and leader of a generation. But because he was fearless in the way he lived his life.

As a little kid I would see his flamboyant videos on TV and was mesmerised by how he projected this confidence that would captivate an audience. As I got older I began to understand and appreciate just how difficult it must have been to be an openly gay man during his time.

He created a legacy that still inspires people today by simply being himself. He didn’t ask anyone for permission to be himself he just did it. So …for those of you that need to hear it then here you go:


See how stupid that sounds?

Just keep this in mind, if what you want to do is right it only needs to feel right to you. You’ll be fine.

Focus, have faith and take action.
