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Feel Me Flow


” I’m a trout. I like to swim upstream just because I feel like there’s so much more room in a negative space. Just like everyone looking at Mona Lisa I’m like ‘well there’s an incredible huge backdrop behind her’. There’s gotta be something in there for me let me go have a look. ” – Skateboard P

Like Pharrell I’ve never really liked going with the flow although I’m all about … flow. Does that make sense?

Let me try and explain:

You know when you’re having a ‘good day’ and everything just seems to flow from one good thing to another? Everything just seems to fall into place with little to no effort and it becomes a pattern that you appreciate but at the same time you kind of expect it because you feel it – it’s just flowing.

” Everything I do I generate according to the flow or feel of the situation “

In saying that, I’ve never been one to follow the way other people flow. At first it was purely out of curiosity to do things differently but since I’ve been doing it for so long it’s developed into a habit. One of which I would never change because it’s allowed me to action things that I may have feared doing because of [enter any number of excuses that you can think of].

But the satisfaction of doing something that comes naturally with no road map and no blueprint in order to discover my own conclusions is an uplifting feeling that I would encourage you to experience.

” If it feels right it will flow”

This is the value of being yourself and ‘doing you’ as one would say. You should always do what is natural and if it feels right it will flow.

The opening quote was made by Pharrell during a visit to NYU. Have a watch and check out the dope track by Maggie Rogers (@20:35) that he feels instantaneously. Peace.


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Single, White, Female

single white female1

To the title of this post – I am neither and if you’re not familiar with the ’92 film starring Bridget Fonda then here’s a quick recap: A chick advertises for a flatmate who wants to steal her life and it all ends in tears.

The importance of being yourself.

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but what value does it hold for the imitator if they don’t have similar attributes? Maybe they believe that by copying you they will eventually find themselves? So the only way they can feel good about themselves is if they pretend to be someone they’re not.

There’s so many things to address here but I’ll keep it simple and start with this:

” Be unapologetically YOU “

If you think you’re weird – be weird.

If you think you’re creative – be creative.

You get where I’m going with this right?

Just be you and don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks. Often people actually do know who they are but for some reason they are afraid to admit it and act naturally for fear of ridicule. You are who you are, this life isn’t long enough to go around living a life that is dishonest.

We only get a fragment of time to experience, share, love, laugh and grow so why would you want to be something or someone you are not. You’re not here to please everyone and you need to put your own happiness first for you will never attract the full life you want until you start really being yourself.

Take the character in this movie – the crazy one. She’s bat shit crazy but that’s cool, there’s a niche for that, there’s a Facebook page she could join and interact with other bat shit crazy chicks and hang out and discuss shit by bats that happens to be crazy. She may find that by acknowledging who she is to the world that she will find others that help her dig a little deeper to find the core of the craziness and direct her energy towards something a little less fucked up.

Being yourself allows you to have a starting point and from there you can find out what truly motivates you so that the things you don’t like about yourself can have an opportunity to grow into things that you do like LOVE about yourself.



“Don’t apologize for being you, that’s like saying sorry for being real” – Brendon Komene


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Ideas are shit, execution is the key

” Ideas are shit, execution is the key ” – Gary Vaynerchuk

I whole heartedly subscribe to this statement,  now that I understand it.

I have always been an ideas guy. Everyone who knows me knows that. If people were doing one thing, I’d take it and do it another way like the blockbuster movie with the twist ending.

But a lot of the time I had great ideas that I did nothing with and still thought I was actually achieving something. HOLD UP. Run that back and read it again ……

” I had ideas that I did nothing with “

and somehow I thought that was something to be proud of. Hmmm …

After doing an honest self evaluation and learning from others that the most important thing is ‘taking action’ to bring your idea into reality otherwise it’s merely a dream. Think about that for a moment, how many ideas have you had that you never did anything with? Here’s your chance to back it up as this blog and my purpose to help people is my chance to provide tangible evidence of my beliefs.

You may find that your idea(s) lead you to discovering your life purpose in which case I encourage you to go down that path as I have but you won’t know until you take action and execute.




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Gary Vee is the muthafuckin’ man

I have a lot of time for Gary Vaynerchuk. He keeps it real which I appreciate because at the end of the day people want to do it, people want to make it but they tend to gravitate to the ‘yes men’ in their life. Granted, you should never give too much time to what others say good or bad depending on the situation. But you can’t help but listen just a little bit to others right? Some if not a lot of what other people say (especially those you care about) will have some sort of effect on you right?

That being said I think people don’t know how to filter the noise from the nouse and fill their own heads with an unrealistic view of their situation. Gary Vee (for me anyway) cuts through the shit, gives it to you straight and you can make your own call from there. It just saves a lot of time because really that’s all we have and it’s to valuable to waste listening to the negative as well as the lame ass so called friends who think they’re doing you a favour by sugar coating shit when it does the complete opposite.
