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Feel Refreshed for the Weekend

2016-08-19 12.56.47

Life is good, everything seems to be flowing nicely. Nothing is forced and by exercising a bit of patience it all works out … eventually.

This weekend I managed to cram in everything I wanted to do and needed to do and still had time to relax. Looking back on it I feel like I managed this because I replicated my ‘late night, early morning’ approach to my working week.

Then I realised, shouldn’t it always be that way? I mean if the weekend is what we all look forward to then shouldn’t I be doing my best to be refreshed and full of energy to enjoy it? So I’m flipping the script and balancing my life out to get more done.

Something to think about.

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BMW Deliveries

Attitude is everything to me.

I’m looking to hire a part-time driver for my courier business and I had over a dozen people just today with all the right tools hitting me up. Then this one young dude who had basically none of the tools and instead of a van he had a car, a BMW in fact – to do deliveries?


But he had this vibe about him, his attitude seemed too familiar.

I’m like ‘dude I’m not sure you’re what I’m looking for but meet me [here]’ … He rolls up in not a shitty BMW but in a late model thing and I’m thinking * are you serious? You wanna do deliveries in this ride?* … He jumps out and he’s got his Prada glasses on and gets a call then pulls out his Samsung Edge and I say to him:

‘Bro, I’m thinking the type of money you need is not the type of money I’m offering’ to which he replies – I financed all this, I don’t wanna lose it and I’m willing to work to keep it.

” I just need a chance “

We spoke for a while and it became clear that he’s not the person I’m looking for but I’m most likely the person he needs. And with that I’ve decided to give him a shot.

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7 Cardinal Rules

Today my bro Tam posted this image:

2016-08-10 12.44.58

I appreciate all of the above.

  1. Making peace with your past is something I’ve always struggled with. Being able to forgive myself for the bad things I have done. This strange feeling of guilt when I see someone else experience something I have in the past. You gotta let it go because it will effect you moving forward which only keeps you stuck in the past.
  2. I can’t say I really care what other people think of me. At times, of course but generally I don’t have enough headspace to allow other people’s opinions bother me. I just do me.
  3. Time – if it’s something big then a lot of time is needed. Granted, not everything heals but in the moment you may think it’s too big to heal until the right amount of time passes. Yet another thing I learnt the hard way.
  4. If you react to things more often than you respond to things then your happiness will absolutely be controlled by other people. Think of all the times you have reacted to something someone said before you even thought about what or how they said it. Then realise it’s not as bad as you thought. That’s a common one that is easy to fix and not let it effect our happiness. Respond don’t react. On the whole we are in control of our thoughts and state of mind but we all slip up every now and again.
  5. I definitely find myself doing this sometimes with no real reasoning to it except maybe envy because of how I may perceive someone’s life. I can honestly say I do judge people randomly but the thing that stands out to me about this rule is that I or we don’t know someone’s journey or what path they have chosen. We are all trying to find our own way.
  6. I think a lot. Like a lot. I’m going to action this rule most of all. But I think the answers will come to you when you’re ready to accept them.
  7. Smile – You don’t own all the problems in the world. That’s a great way to look at things. I always think – it could be worse and just move on.


Sound advice. Take note.

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Mistamp Pitch for Gary Vee

I got an opportunity to pitch Gary Vaynerchuk recently. He sent out an email to his subscribers to send him a 30sec pitch video.

So I jumped at the chance. My video is kind of rough but it basically covers everything.


After completing cutting down my original demo video it made me realise that I can pretty much fit it all into 30secs and so long as the file is under 33mb (mine is currently at 35mb) I could attach it to the outgoing email. Instead of just sending a link to Youtube.

I’m hoping that having the video in the email may encourage the recipient to at least be curious enough to click on it. Providing it makes it through the ‘spam filter’ that is.

Either way, having to really condense everything into 30 secs forced me to get it done quickly and I like it. So now that it’s done I’m going to send it to as many businesses as I can with the goal of getting comfortable with people critiquing it.

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We’re Not Born Racist

Tonight I started writing the first lesson/story for ‘BJ the Tutu Maori Kid’ which is a series of ‘pick-a-path’ books inspired by lessons I learnt growing up in Tokoroa.

It came about randomly while picking up my son from day care. It happens every time but tonight it stood out more for some reason. Let me explain.

My son says goodbye to everyone in his class before he leaves for the day. Like – everyone. They hug and kiss and say ‘see you tomorrow’. Then the following day they run to each other and hug and share what they did in the last 12hrs of being apart. All standard stuff right?

There’s also a mixture of cultures and religions, colour, age, size and beliefs but my son and all the other kids don’t care about that. All they care about is being themselves and sharing time with other kids. Seeing this behaviour it warms my heart. As a parent I want my son to get on with other kids, make friendships and learn from other people but part of me thinks oh that’s fine for now but when he gets older …

Why do I think this way?

Well because that’s how it is isn’t it?

Yes or No?

The truth is I don’t really know but experience tells me that he’s fine now but when he goes to Intermediate things will change and then when he gets to High School he’ll most likely become this intolerable kid (like I was) and start judging people on the smallest most insignificant things because it doesn’t fit his beliefs. He’ll start to distance himself from people because of the unknown, he’ll pigeon hole people so it’s easier to not like them. All of these things because …. that’s how the world is and that’s how it’s always been?

Does it have to be? Seriously – does it? If not then how can we contribute to our society being one that everyone is treated equally? I have no idea as it seems like something HUGE for me to wrap my small brain around but I know what I ‘can’ do. That’s give my son the best chance of keeping his current attitude towards people for the rest of his life by leading by example.

So here’s what I’m going to do. As I said, the first lesson I’m going to teach in my book series is inspired by my son, written by me to help other parents share the message of being at one with people from all walks of life so they may be able to guide their kids in the same direction as I want my son to go. To rid the world of this ‘racist’ term and get back to our childhood feelings towards other people.

BJ the Tutu Maori Kid – ” My Friends “

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Food for my Soul

Went down to a club in the city called Section 8 this afternoon to support a friend’s event aka get some good kiwi food and steamed pudding.

Had a great time with good company and feel ready to attack the week ahead.

 And I heard back from a lady named Jacqui from Facebook HQ Australia

 and was given a link to send the Mistamp info to. It’s minor but it’s a start in the right direction. I’ll keep plugging away everyday. So stay UP.

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Overwhelmed by nothingness

It often feels like everywhere I look there’s endless content with no substance online. This other world where people share meaningless things in order to get a Like. I said to myself that the only way to become great and do something with real meaning is to not buy into the constant noise and distractions people talk online. So this is the only time I’m going to address it then I can move on.

Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and the list goes on, they’re all places to share things but am I the only one sharing things that ‘actually happen or are happening in my life’? Am I the only one trying to do something positive out of my friends and family?

If I’m not the only one then where’s that content at? Is it a matter of cleaning out the people I’m connected to online to make room for people that are sharing ‘real things’? That would basically mean I’d be connected to strangers.

I understand that not everyone shares everything that’s going on in their life like I do and like to keep some things private. Maybe my perception of being connected to people is warped and that social media is only for those that want to be someone else, a made up world of make believe and magic. If so then I’ll just leave all my content here on this little website where only people that want to tell the truth and do positive things for the world be united.


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Everyday … like it’s my last

Backing up what I promised I made it happen today.

I pushed the Mistamp today, reaching out to Facebook and contacting the Australia HQ. It’s not much but it’s definitely a start.


I’ve got all weekend to do more with the aim of having a tonne of things to report. Tomorrow I’ll also make a start on my book series: BJ the Tutu Maori Kid which is inspired by the life lessons I learnt growing up in small town Tokoroa. The character is obviously based on me with the character visuals based on my son Brooklyn – it seemed like the wiser choice 🙂

1. Master









Until tomorrow then. Watch me work.

Stay UP.

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Make it count or let it go

I do deliveries for a lady named Jodi who is a florist and I hadn’t heard from her in over a week so I called in to see her.

She said it’s been really quiet and that she had just got back from a funeral. Naturally I asked her who died and she explained that it was an old workmate of hers.

She went on to tell me that her friend had been diagnosed with cancer just over 3 weeks ago, she was admitted to hospital and before anyone had time to go and visit her she was gone.

We hear stories like this all the time and the usual things come to mind for me ie;

  • Wow, reality check
  • Appreciate every moment
  • Is this a sign?

It’s probably all of the above but I find myself thinking – do we really need to be told these sorts of things or experience them in order to action all the things we want to do before we die?

What’s it going to take for us to follow through on the things we want to achieve before our time runs out? Who will lead the way and inspire others to do the same? Me?

So today  actually right now I’ve decided to make a commitment to actioning all the things I want to achieve as if everyday were my last day alive. I know we hear that all the time but who lives that way? I’m putting my hand up.

So what does this mean? I will blog EVERY SINGLE DAY regardless of how much or how little I achieve to hold myself accountable for doing the things I am passionate about. To inspire you to find what it is you’re passionate about and make it count!