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Hi Dad, I saw Mum last week

  •  I had to go home because Tam lost his Mother last week and i wanted to be there to support the brother. I didn’t know her well but what was apparent immediately after speaking to Tam’s family is that she was an amazing woman. She put everyone else first so much so that it upset Tam at times how she put herself out there for everyone. I guess she reminds me of you in a lot of ways as she too was a hard worker. There’s something about you true old skool people, you just had higher standard and better work ethics we admire you for that.
  • I visited Mum as well. She misses you of course but when I walked into her new place for the first time I didn’t like it. I felt a little uncomfortable and I didn’t know why. Then I realised it’s because everything in there was how it was suppose to be. The kitchen had typical things you would expect to see in the kitchen 1 fridge, 1 rubbish bin etc not 3 fridges, 3 rubbish bins and food scraps in the freezer because you know otherwise when you put the food scraps out for collection the cats and dogs will get into it and make a mess. So you freeze the scraps to eliminate that good thinking Dad smiling face with open mouth The living room only has a couch and an 1 arm chair there’s no outdoor furniture sitting in the centre of the room with a little side table and 4 remotes for all your gadgets. I think that’s what hurt me the most as well as seeing an empty fridge, in my 38 yrs I’ve never seen an empty fridge and it made me sad.
  • But it makes sense though right? It’s just Mum so her house is furnished just for her I get it. It’s a nice house, you would have liked it there’s plenty of storage space and way too many rooms at least I know that will never change.
  • I told Mum how I had a bad dream about you one night and then that night she had a dream about you then came out to the lounge to tell me about it. It was 1 am and I was still awake because of the time difference. She told me that she dreamt of you hugging her and she woke up crying because she knew she would never feel your hugs again. She said she felt silly and that’s why she woke up, but it’s not silly is it? Actually I miss your hugs, I miss your voice, I miss the weird things you used to do. And that’s why I’m so eager to move back to NZ is because although Mum and I have never had a great relationship I understand that as much as I love you and the pain I feel by you not being here I know that it will never amount to the pain that Mum must be going through because she had you there everyday and now you are gone. 
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Hi Dad Brooklyn was in hospital

So we took Brooklyn to the doctors this morning. Bex was concerned about this weird yawn/burp he’s been doing recently so we thought we’d get him checked out just to be safe. The local GP did the minimum and then referred us to get an x-ray so went through that long 4hr process ZZZzzzzz. He didn’t mind it until he realised he wasn’t getting a lollipop …

2017-07-04 12.16.26

We were worried there was something stuck in his throat but it turns out he’s got a tick disorder which is a relief and probably isn’t going to effect him in the long term. But we still have to keep an eye on it.

At the end of the day I’m glad it’s nothing major. I shot a video of the day as it unfolded and before we found out what it was I was actually a little worried. No parent likes to take their child to the hospital. But we’re home now and grateful we got him checked out.


Love you Dad.

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Hi Dad – Just had to let you know

I need to replace your photo on the homepage Dad. I’ve had it on their for about 6 months in the hopes that it would inspire me to do great things under your watchful eye. But I feel as if it has had the opposite effect. Every time I look at your photo I don’t get feelings of empowerment and motivation to do or write things I just feel sad. Sad that you’re not here, sad that I can’t hear your voice, sad because I wonder how hard it must be for Mum without you.

I just want you to know that I call Mum a couple of time a week to make sure she’s doing ok – I know you would appreciate that. Even though she’s living in Hamilton in a new place trying to start a new life I still saved her number under ‘Mum & Dad’. It can be hard to call her sometimes, not because we haven’t had the best relationship but because I still keep expecting to speak to you after her. That guts me.

It’s July now and I should have done more, I should have shared more but when I come to my website I freeze, my heart skips, I take a deep breath and then close the page. I don’t want to do that anymore so that’s why I’m going to use the homepage to share a fresh photo everyday. BUT don’t think I have forgotten you or that you don’t matter. I’ve decided to write a post as often as I can to update you on how life is going – mostly to fill you in on how Brooklyn is doing. Don’t worry I will make sure he will always remember who you are and how important you are to all of us.

Every little win I have is partly because of you and in your name Dad.

I’ll see you tomorrow.



ps – Brooklyn is learning to swim. He loves it !!

2017-06-24 10.42.32

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Counting down … Grateful

Today is my last day at work before I go on holiday next week. I’m fortunate that I have almost a week to prepare but I know I’ll still cram everything in at the last minute.

This holiday has been a long time coming I said to my wife the other day that it’s been at least a year and a half since we went on holiday. Big the truth is – we’ve never been on a holiday. We’ve had a break here and there of typically a weekend going back to NZ but that’s about it. Even though we had a week off for our wedding we didn’t get a break it was full on from beginning to end.

So here’s to making the most of this opportunity and having a much needed break. #Grateful

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Putting in work

I got up early with a clear plan of attack – do everything! ?

I started editing video with the aim of finding my own voice on social media. Something I could do to share my message and inspire people the quickest way possible.

I like inspirational videos and I like to keep it real. So I combined the two by finding video that inspires me to get active and take action and put my own twist on it.

So I took a speech my Steven Spielberg and put my own twist on it by translating what I think he means into language I use ?.

I’m happy with it.